Martina: «Teaching in an out-of-the-box environment and in an unconventional way compared to the rest of schools intrigued me.»

Hi Martina. Please tell us about your native country.

I’m Martina, teacher at yuhu.learns. I’m Italian and, no, I don’t eat pizza and pasta every day.

That’s where I started learning Spanish and other foreign languages, but none of them enchanted me as much as Spanish. Italy is known all over the world for its culture, its monuments, its food and…its food.

I love traveling and, in fact, I visited Spain twice before moving to Valencia.

Why did you move to Spain?
I first came to Valencia on erasmus while I was attending my Bachelor’s Degree in Translation and cultural mediation. I completely fell in love with the city and its vibe that I decided to stay here to attend my Master’s Degree and live here.

Tell us about you free time activities.

I like outdoor activities like strolling in the Turia park or in the city center, and taking advantage of all the amazing sunny days Valencia can offer. I also enjoy cooking and having dinner with people I love, traveling to discover new places and chilling at home watching something on my laptop. I adapt to every kind of plan.

For how long have you been living in Valencia?

I’va been living here for 2 years now. I don’t think about moving back now because I enjoy living here! There is so much this city can offer!

Why did you decide to join yuhu.learns?

It started like a challenge. Teaching in an out-of-the-box environment and in an unconventional way compared to the rest of schools intrigued me.

The vibe and the atmosphere at yuhu.learns are unique.

Do you have any advice for our students?

  • Listen to everything you can in the foreign language you’re learning: music, podcasts,
    Tv shows…anything. I know it’s hard at the beginning but no worries, your listening is
    involuntarily improving.
  • Try to use the language as much as you can. Don’t be shy! Native people are happy
    to help you and won’t listen to you trying to spot a mistake or criticizing you!
  • Try this game: do you know how to say in the foreign language you’re learning all the
    objects you have in your room, kitchen, living room, etc.

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