
Archivos de Categoría: Ruso

Four Russian Words That Don’t Mean What You Think They Do.

These aren’t your typical loan words. ? Here are a few words and phrases inspired by foreign languages (but with totally different meanings in Russian).?? It’s no secret that the world is very much in contact with itself. Political boundaries are not set in stone, and linguistic boundaries are even blurrier. As such, just about […]

8 Ways To Tell Someone Off in Spanish and Russian.

Why settle for ‘buzz off’ when you can tell someone to ‘go for a walk’ in Spanish? ? For most people, taking up another language is something we do because we want to connect more with the world around us, not because we’re looking for increasingly creative ways to be mean (though if you are, […]

Winter Traditions In Russia & Sweden

In northern Europe, certain winter traditions are crucial for surviving the dark, cold season.? Imagine waking up and going to work in pitch darkness.? Just before lunchtime, the sun is rising, only to set again some time after your lunch break.? You go home from work in darkness and wake up again fourteen hours later […]

4 Russian Words That Don’t Mean What You Think They Do ?

These aren’t your typical loan words. Here are a few words and phrases inspired by foreign languages (but with totally different meanings in Russian). It’s no secret that the world is very much in contact with itself. Political boundaries are not set in stone, and linguistic boundaries are even blurrier. As such, just about every […]

Curiosidades sobre Rusia que no conocías.

Os traemos cosas interesantes que quizá no sabía sobre uno de los países más intrigantes del mundo: Rusia! ??? ??El Hotel Astoria de San Petersburgo es el lugar donde Hitler planeó celebrar un gran banquete una vez conquistada la ciudad (entonces se llamaba Leningrado). Su restaurante sigue siendo una institución y uno de los mejores lugares […]

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