Aprender Ruso is not easy AT ALL! – but we like challenges, right??. To make sure you don’t make errores típicos, te traemos algunos de nuestros mejores tips en este post. Keep reading to make this journey easy for you y así evites hacer el tonto en Ruso?.

- Aprende el Cyrillic Alphabet
If you want to learn Russian, you’ll need to learn the Cyrillic alphabet — no hay forma que te comuniques en Ruso si no te lo sabes. But don’t worry! It may look scary, but it’s not as foreign as it looks?. The Cyrillic script actually shares the same ancestor with our familiar Latin alphabet: the Greek alphabet. Seguramente verás caracteres similares al nuestro alfabeto, solo único rough will be readjusting how tu cerebro associates shapes with certain sounds.
Plus, the Cyrillic alphabet solo tiene 33 letras (o sea que solo deberás aprender 7 más de las que tu already know)! So, ponte las pilas y empieza a aprenderlos. Google the alphabet, ponlos en post-its, hazte la chuletilla and you got it!??
- Practica, practica y practica la passionate «R»
Que sería del Russian without its rolled or trilled R? Para todo aquel que no es Spanish Speaker, la «R» puede ser todo un desafío. Pero, a pesar que en español se usa esta letra, es un real challenge llegar a pronunciar la «R» Rusa como debe ser! El secreto está en la pasión ?. The more passion you feel cuando la pronuncias, the better it gets!✨
To make este sonido, pon the tip of your tongue against the front of you paladar (just behind your upper front teeth). Now let out some air, which should make your lengua vibrar en esta position. A rolled Russian «R» se logra con around dos a cuatro tongue movements in this position, meaning that the tip of your tongue should quickly tap against this ridge two to four times?.
- Perfecciona Your Soft And Hard Consonants
If you love las consonantes, then you’re going to love Russian?. Part of the reason que hay muchas consonants is because muchas de ellas vienen en different forms: hard consonants and soft consonants. Solo pay attention ? to the Russian letter л to realize the difference: лук (pronunciado en English como “look”) y люк (pronunciado como el English name “Luke”).
- Stress Will Change Your Vocales
Las Russian vowels are all about change! A los rusos les encanta alterar their sound and slide around: The Е in балет (ballet), for ejemplo, begins with a short [i] sound antes de convertirse in an [e]; while the O in дом (house) has an [u]-like quality before it sounds like an [o]. Es por esto que sometimes resulta difícil to describe Russian vowels ?.
✨Uno de los main tips to learn Russian es este✨: Hay una big difference entre stressed y unstressed vowels. Stressed vowels son alargadas, while unstressed vowels son acortadas (and in some cases can even lose their vowel quality). Sabías que el name Boris is actually pronounced bastante diferente in Russian ?? For Russian speakers, Борис is pronunciado like [Baris], porque whether O is pronounced [o] or [a] all comes down to stress. If the O is stressed, then you pronounce it [o], but an unstressed O changes the pronunciation. Palabras como Москва (Moscow) or Россия (Russia) end up sounding more like Maskva and Rassiya (the stress in bold).
- Watch Out For False Friends
Unless que quieras hacer el tonto on your first trip to Russia, you’ll want to learn which words are English-Russian false friends❌. For example, cuando te piden to fill out an immigration card on arrival (which you’ll have to hand back cuando llegues, so best to pick one up!), don’t make the mistake of listing every single one of your familiares under фамилия! (That word would be семья, by the way.) Do, however, give your apellido, which is what this palabra actually means?.
If someone asks you where the nearest магазин is, no saques tu Cosmopolitan. They’re actually looking for a tienda rather than a glossy publication. Meanwhile, if someone’s complaining about their шеф, this doesn’t mean they have suficiente dinero to afford a personal chef. They’re really grumbling about their jefe. Finally, unless you really want to embarrass yourself, you shouldn’t ask if there are any презервативы in your comida?: Презервативы means “condoms,” not “preservantes”.